This is literally where the government is spending a trillion dollars every 3 months.

They feed their people at the NGOs, they "increase the GDP", and they keep the economy afloat while harming poor whites. What isn't there for them to love

It is YOUR government. They are YOUR representatives that YOU elected.

If you don't like it, solve YOUR problem.

@doctorsex @sickburnbro
Sure agent in the next election, pay all taxes and praise whoever wins in twitter.

My personal solution was to move out and be part of another country's society.


@doctorsex @sickburnbro
Depends pretty much of what you want from life. What are your long-terms objectives?

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I want a good long life with a wife of my race who I love, and I want my children to be raised in a society of their peers so that they may learn the value of kith and kin instead of being raised by a coward in a society of strangers
my ancestors did not build this country and others so that we could run and hide in the company of slants when the going gets just a little tougher than it used to

@d0c40r0 @doctorsex @sickburnbro
True. I would recommend you join the Amish or Mennonites.

They still live very closely to how the original white settlers lived and they maintain the same community ties that built-up old america. It fulfills 100% of your requirements.

Worst White nationalist ever you need to make neoslavs with your asian waifu like @DEERBLOOD
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