It is YOUR government. They are YOUR representatives that YOU elected.
If you don't like it, solve YOUR problem.
@doctorsex @sickburnbro
Sure agent johson...vote in the next election, pay all taxes and praise whoever wins in twitter.
My personal solution was to move out and be part of another country's society.
@sickburnbro @doctorsex
Agree, it isn't the best solution but it's the best one for me at this moment in time.
Maybe in 20-30 years (or earlier, who knows), things are different and being part of the new system is the best option.
@sickburnbro @doctorsex
Yes, you would if I bought a second Haitian passport. I heard Ohio loves them. 🤣
@sickburnbro @doctorsex
I know, it was a joke. Haitians will transform even Japan in Haiti.
On a serious note, after a long time living overseas, planting your roots and most important, developing family, friends in a community in another country, it's statically very unlikely for that person to ever return to their original country.
I can hardly see even myself moving overseas staying away from the family after having grandkids and such. For instance my ancestors never went back to Italy.
@doctorsex @sickburnbro
Early 40s. I agree with you, this is the problem at the societal level and I'm 100% willing to solve the problem today, but doing it alone (or along the 1% at max we are) it's literally impossible. It's a numbers issue.
I'm still up for it, but I won't start anything. When the time of reckoning is upon us and men get serious about solving shit, I'll be there. Meanwhile I'll be doing other things.
@LostShakerOfSalt @doctorsex @sickburnbro @yockeypuck
lol One thing I learned americans have no teeth. Just to prove it I give you my address, send any "hit squad" you want. You don't even have the balls to tell your women or niggers no.
14 Tai Hwan Place 14. in Singapore.