@DireGoy It wouldn't be so bad if women were in the general competent enough at these fields they take over to keep them, and overall society, trundling along functionally. To make intelligent, competent decisions. Alas...
The "equality" activists never seem to stop and seriously ask why societies never seem to naturally default to their preferred outcomes. Why matriarchy is essentially not a thing, and any time it appears to be happening, that society promptly falls into gross disorder and ultimately collapses.
Why the only existing "matriarchies" are tiny tribal societies which are more like 'diarchies'.
There's a reason that women's responsibilities were quite 'limited' back in the good old days to areas that "didn't matter": Women aren't psychologically equipped with the specific "autism" that enables men to build everything and then maintain it for EVERYONE'S ongoing enjoyment.
I wont even say women lack empathy and consideration, it just...operates differently. And that difference isn't conducive to a functional organized advanced society. Not by itself anyway.
At the risk of triggering the 'nists, women's competencies work best on the small scale. The domestic. The local community. That sort of thing.
Before those Semitic wreckers came in with their inbreeding brain-damaged ideas, men and women were inclined to different things. Natural inclinations. Shit worked, just about. Outliers notwithstanding. Once upon a time society saw the exceptional fringe for what it was.
Anyway fast forward to today and almost every girl is raised to be disagreeable, MASCULINE--albeit always through the lens of being women so it just turns into genuinely toxic femininity--and adamant she is the "equal" of men (i.e. she can do everything he can, and actually SHOULD...except the dirty ick-inducing stuff, she wants nothing to do with that).
It's a sort of paradox. If women were overall capable of the same sort of sacrificial conscientiousness as men, then when Jewish Feminists tried to plant those notions in their mind and push "women's liberation", women would have made the right choices. "Equality" would have worked. In fact it'd probably be the natural order of things. They didn't, and it isn't.
Instead it's laziness, incompetence, disagreeableness, hostility and baby-killing. If that's "equality" then fuck equality, to be honest.
Men and women were happier and had better lives and relationships when society was sexist.