More fucking jews surrounding trump again. We are screwed. This jst shows the nazis that the kikes and left call us, are RIGHT AGAIN with the allegation of zion Don.
This country will never heal financially. Kiss all our money over time again goodbye.
@demonofustio@Eiswald It could be worse. You could be the EU where you can't even transfer 600 euros around without a jew breaching your privacy and drilling you for no reason so that in the end he allows you to pay people with your own money.
Or it could be worse! You can never talk bad about a jew unless you want to face jail time in europe
*Demon flips to the bill HB269 dont say jew bill.*
300k fine
5 year prison time
Oh....looks like im risking jail time then. The law made to the usa in florida....i guess im in same boat as you!