What the actual fuck. People have reached a level of stupidity that I don't even want to talk about serious topics anymore. This is the real power of the Jew. Distort reality and keep people stupid.
So I've sent the "NATO officially accusing Russia" article to my brother. His response:
> I don't think anyone wants to lift the sanctions in the medium term. Brain drain from RU west is the best thing that can happen for all of us here. Inflation is great, everyone in the West is in debt. Energy prices, yes, there is more than enough gas everywhere in the sea. You just have to want it. To be honest, the war is the best thing that has happened in a long time as an economic program...
> War somewhere else is always good, peace somewhere else bad... in 2-3 years there will be another big boom. It's always the same shit.
Sent him this as response: youtube.com/watch?v=kAqIJZeeXEc
Wtf is even happening.

Are you sure you two are related?
Did he elaborate further on what basis he was making these statements or did you exhaust him?

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