Development meeting: Okay so the gamepass Microsoft big bucks came in so let's really set down and get working on this game. First do you all remember that game Myst? The one from back in the day on PC? Yeah, the one with the puzzles. Yes, some were difficult. Lets take that concept of difficult puzzles and make them boring as fuck and have that be 90 percent of the 3 hour run time.... wait I should say walk time. Because that's what we are making, a 3 hour long walking simulator with repetitive boring puzzles. But don't worry, we aren't copying Myst we are going to be different like I said our puzzles are just plain shit but to really drive the difference home let's set the game in darkness; actual darkness. And we'll use the same aesthetics copy/pasted over and over. I want every room, every area, every vista to look like the last. Now we shouldn't worry to much about combat because lol, I mean come on, have you seen our combat? We just need a boss fight or two that are awful time wasters to push us past that 2 hour steam refund window. Finally the ending. Now I know we've all worked hard to make sure this game has absolutely zero lore, story, sound design, or common sense. So I was thinking for the ending we could just shit in peoples faces. I mean just take the piss out of them but at the same time provide no answers whatsoever. Don't worry some youtuber will shit out a lore video calling it brilliant. I guess what I'm saying guys is it's been a long journey to reach a point where we just don't have to care or try. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go celebrate by shitting in a hookers mouth.

The creepy art style could be enough to sell to a horror fan that has not been desensitised by human guts. I am sure a single vulva monster is enough to invoke body horror in the modern reviewer.

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