Global warming fear porn and expensive energy are what the globalist oligarchs seek so they can push this sort of thing (15 minute cities):
Which ultimately will be about controlling movement of people ... which is neo-serfdom - the main component of neo-feudalism.
@h4890 @TylerAbeoJordan
Divide the world into districts that you will live your entire life within complete with different laws.
Bye social mobility, bye inter-district competition and bye freedom of travel.
When the world is divided to neat social classes the organization of meaningful resistance will become harder and a path for release of anger away from the central bureaucracy is created when these classes resent each other.
yep. You nailed it. Neo-feudalism is also like a "company town" ... the local mayor/lord will be taking a cut as well and you won't have a choice.
Work for food and rents or get kicked out and swept up and put into a forced labor camp probably. And nobody will know of those camps directly as nobody get's to leave and find out about them.