@matrix he just listed a bunch of stuff that American women don't give a single shit about

I think if he went to a more religious area he could find some that do.
My guess is though that he doesn't display the confidence he's display on 4chan IRL. (assuming anon isn't lying :clueless: )

@matrix ye this is part of my problem, I'm in a religious area but not religious xD

@beardalaxy @matrix
So? Become deist and copy Voltaire's homework.
You have the intelligence to entertain ideas without accepting them and engage in the social religion helping strengthen your community.

If man made God to cope with the psychological darkness of this world, why not put that intelligence into use to improve the interpretation of Gods will?


@beardalaxy @matrix And let them wander blindly, sowing their stupidity onto the easily receptive? To not impress upon the wisdom they need and you have? How is the seeking of those at your intellectual level going?

You seem to not have found your way to a local community on your level. Are you holding out for hope and have you even considered the second best option?

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