
the dreams i have been having recently have been super retarded . just been to a nap and . the dread i had . was us mgtow here in merovigan club . deciding to meet up to have a fuckin lan party in shogun's british bangalow house. does even make sense why shogun would have a british designed house.

wats even more retarded is despite none of us wearing any masks to hide our faces . we just used out gaming monitors to hide our faces and tfm was telling people not to look at his side. even though

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even thought the people sitting ion his side could see his face . then the police came. lol massive panick when of coz we thought they were coming for us . so me and voodoo try to leave through the window but we are too fat. takes a while.

and tfm complains saying we should not leave through the window coz they might think we are .in the end turns out they were here to take shogun's kids lol XD we didnt even see any kids till the end nor did we know retarded

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.