
The key to happiness isn't to surrender to what you can't control. It's to surrender everything.

You can't choose your desires or what you find pleasant or unpleasant. Thus, even the things you think you control...well, the desire to control them or have them at all was put there by something out of your control.

Byron Katie says, "You 1st learn what's someone else's business, your business, and God's business. Then later, you learn it's all God's business."

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@dander I think you're confusing what I'm talking about (the ego's highest and final calling is surrender) with people who try to, egoically, absolve themselves of personal responsibility.

What I have to say here has nothing to do with the latter. People have been corrupting the message of surrender for their own selfish gain since the dawn of time.

Further, I do not count myself a Christian, even if there are parts of their philosophy I agree with.

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