This chick looks familiar lol, I know we’re supposed to stay clear of Chameleons lol but she’s easy on the eyes.


@I_AmTheKnight let me guess, ‘things happened. No one wins like this’

Later, ‘why did you do the things? I did no things’

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@southpole21 pretty much, well she’s talking about toxic feminity and she seems to be calling out women, shes like a dating advice channel/ self improvement channel targeted towards men. It seems that talking shit about feminism is cool for women again.

@I_AmTheKnight there are lots of these videos/channels with women saying all the right things. Even though they might help “wake people up “ a little bit they always will do what benefits them over everything else. Calling out women may work for them in some cases, but when it doesn’t they’ll switch the script. I’ve never seen it not happen. That’s why I think some form of patriarchy (masculine accountability) is necessary even if it’s maybe not the ideal.

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