Does it seem to anyone else like the collapse is waiting for the last boomer to die before flooring the accelerator?

It's uncanny just how much it seems events are conspiring to gift them the world and spare them all hardship.

@Mongoliaboo I see boomers starting to fade. Slowly but surely. Mortality is catching up to them. They assumed they would live forever but they need knee replacements and take a year to recover. They get cancer. No one cares about them. They’re realizing for the first time that they can’t live forever which makes them have to think about the life they lived. And lies can’t assure them anymore.
Most are still delusional but will have to face the end and won’t take it well.


The boomers are the ultimate children because the parents provided security and stability for them to fuck up and not suffer. Now they’re getting old enough that they need adults to care for them. When they have no love or security in their old age some might realize how much they destroyed.

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