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@37712 @hellhammer666 Has anyone done a real deep dive on what ((( Women's rights ))) are

Because it seems its all about

The ((( RIGHT ))) to

Killing babies
Free shit
discounted shit
Forced access to mens jobs, resources, hobbies, groups
Mandated spots

and removing ALL accountability and consequences
from women's actions and choices

All done by Jews and traitors
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Trump could just release the JFK files online for everyone to see. Instead he’s put together a “task force” to water down and gate-keep the files. It’s a huge slap in the face to Americans and a huge L for Trump.
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If you see a ton of "happy couples" today, don't let it get you down. If you find yourself looking longingly, remember that she's probably walking all over him, and that guy is willing to let her do it. He's probably unhappy, sick of her shit, weak, and dependent on pussy crumbs to feel like he's a good boy.

Seriously, men, have a good day and enjoy your evening in peace. You never know how important is until your life becomes chaotic and subservient to a bitch's whims and stupidity.


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