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What?You don't like cultural enrichment?Too bad you voted for this.

Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
The Haitian police are using a Killdozer to raid the Warlord named Barbeque

You literally cannot make this shit up
Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
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Gonzo17 boosted
>Alec Baldwin thinks Americans are "uninformed" about "what's really going on" in the world and says the film industry is helping to plug the gap.

>"There's a hole, a vacuum... a gap in information for Americans," the actor said at the Turin Film Festival on Monday. "Americans are very uninformed about reality, what's really going on — climate change, Ukraine, you name it. The biggest topics in the world, Americans have an appetite for a little bit of information. That vacuum is filled by the film industry. Not just the independent film industry, not just the documentary film industry but narrative films as well."
Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
@ChristiJunior @ezmyrelda speaking of trannies, remember that troon that voiced this monster in dead by daylight?

Yeah turns out he has giga aids and died shortly after being ridiculez for being the walking joke he was lmao
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