Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted

Tags: 1946_2000, reddit, child_abuse, crime, degeneracy, gays, homosexuals, germany, lgbt, pedophile, sexual_degeneracy, subversion
Source: The booru is down for now
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Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
Boomers have prattled on and on about how they'd keep "Their town safe if SHTF", but when shit actually went down, it took a zoomer to put money where his mouth was.
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Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
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Gonzo17 boosted


I believe we are about to start seeing mass shortages due to inflation soon and this is the government preparing to shift blame to the producers.

Multiple news outlets have been posting about this ban starting yesterday and it appears to all be the types of items that would get discontinued first in a shortage situation.

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Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
Gonzo17 boosted
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