Every good thing we have historically associated with women, like nurturing, cooking, cleaning, taking kids to school or to playground and being responsible adults was not because of their natural instincts and talents for it. It was merely because of need. They had no choice but to do the work when men were working. Today, we can clearly see none of that was ever natural or inherent to their nature. On the contrary.


They are unreliable, bad with money, can barely feed themselves, their homes look like garbage dump, no living thing can be entrusted them to be taken care of. Including their own offspring. Their capability to love ends beyond their own skin and many more examples. Just like blacks are inferior to whites, women are inferior to men. TFM calls them morally retarded, due to Kohlberg's model of moral development.

But this goes way beyond that. On every level, mostly biologically, they are sub-human. Just like a Tiger is a feline and domesticated cat is a feline, they cannot be compared with their capabilities on any level. Same species but vastly different. Humans might even be the only ones with such inferior females as part of their species. Yet our societies are built on the premise that they are as capable as men, if not more.

It's literally anti-merocratic system that can result in nothing more than a complete devastation and collapse of the society. the only thing preventing it from happening is men taking the losses and not walking away from it because of biological and historical reasons. For some reason, modern men think that walking away is worse than keeping their backs bent and taking the universal abuse. Good times truly produce very weak men, indeed.

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