KDE on linux won't even show you newly installed applications. it's 2024 ffs and it's still lacking the absolutely basic user features.

@Justicar Gnome has always been there for us, never judging, just waiting for us to return home.


@RegalBeagle gnome is an abortion that somehow made it through the birth and now people pretend how great it is.

@RegalBeagle listen, i like the look of it. but that is just the UI. the UX, which actually matters, is terrible. you need to hack it around to make it look like usable DE and even then you probably won't make it all the way through. not to mention it's missing a lot of settings.

@Justicar I do most of my work in the terminal anyways, so I'm pretty ambivalent on display managers. I got used to Gnome way back from when I first started messing around in Ubuntu and it's the default on Fedora, my daily driver now. I've never bothered to try and change it.

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