
There are are always strong men in the society. Problem is that when there are too many weak men, strong men cannot do what needs to be done because the weak men wil fight the strong men. It is a society-wide white knight syndrome. Strong men could fight the weak men but government serves the weak men. Srong men could fight it, like IRA, but then what are you fighting for? Is it still your society or have you rather became stranger in your own land?


Weak men fight for their own interests: to not have strong men around to make them look bad.

Either you have the best oppress the rest, or the rest oppress the best.

@amerika the problem is that historically, strength trumped all. and whether is was good or bad was irrelevant because it was the natural order of things. but today, strength is enforced through government which serves whomever pays the politicians off and usually never in the best interests of the people. sorry, no. the politicians will buy votes, so people will be happy, be strong men see through it and want to prevent the fuckery but weak men got bought off as well and will fight them for it.


I think people misunderstand Darwin.

In nature, those who won were the ones who were productive and eliminated risk.

In society? Those who win are the obedient rule-followers.
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