
MGTOW works on exponential scale. it starts slow, then it explodes out of nowhere. this is worldwide phenomenon, worldwide response to modern gynocentric family-hating societies.

@Justicar The funny part is mgtow is actually much bigger than everyone thinks because a lot of men go their way without labeling it - they just live it by default.

@Justicar now whole countries are going their own way from the gynocracy!

@Lorgar men are waking up. people often wonder home come more men are not seeing the world for what it actually is. it is simply because of the upbringing. people were raised in certain way with certain views and values. it takes decades, if at all, to change their views. younger men today see it clearly and mature men are waking up. it cannot be stopped. "modern" society is done. but it will still take decades to collapse and new ways can take place. but as women become desperate simps will ↗

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