I'm a racist. But that does not mean I'll go out of my way to harm someone of another race, like everyone assumes when you say that. I just want to keep my stuff mine, and you keep your stuff yours. We can come together, exchange stories, laugh, do business, learn about each others' cultures and customs, but you just keep yours over there and i'll keep mine over here. It's as simple as that.

I'm also white supremacist, I think white race is the best. Even if Asians are supposedly beating us in IQ, which i am not buying, but that is my personal bias. Same thing applies, I'm not going to go out of my way to harm people of other races just because I think my race is better. Why would I? I'm already white, so in my view I already won. It makes no sense to tie this to some kind of need to harm people. I think the hatred of racism is purely about it usually being linked to nationalism.

@AKEmon869 haram is overused term. originally it meant sacred enclosure of the gods where mortals were forbidden to cross into. usually a peak or mound.

@Justicar ok sheikh. Thanks for the etymology lesson. Now, if only you could evolve your mindset beyond the Stone Age...

@Justicar Islam built civilizations while you’re still struggling to construct a coherent thought. Evolution really skipped you huh?

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