Elections are a cheap substitute for civil war, but they’re only useful if it's only military-aged men that are voting.


@Starprophet i can agree with that. but the problem is that i doubt any 21st century democratic society will not allow women to vote or not treat them equal to men.especially in consumer-centric economy run by oligarchs owning all the companies. even in china/russia where oligarchs do not rule but actual government does, they are no different in these societal aspects. i think this is simply societal evolution and we will move to some next step that we do not yet know how it looks like.


I think China has the easiest path to restoring birthrates. They can do both a restoration of patriarchy (with far fewer steps than Russia/America), and a Logan's Run baby growing machine (the Chinese have no qualms against pursuing such technology).

Did an effortpost on DRC on this topic:

RE: detroitriotcity.com/notice/ArK

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