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Are whites the only ones that had build high trust societies?

Look like the way we have measured temperatures since 1880 was wrong due to nature of decay of thermometers, so all data for more than 140 years is garbage.

steven he comment on joker 2:

"Joker 2 is a 1000 IQ play. As I sat in the cinema I realised, the filmmakers were the joker, and I was the joke. "

"Rattata-tattata-tat and I'm to the gun 'coz the cockpit ain't listening!" 😄

I am wearing my dads old wool sweater which must be at least 40yo.

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I am surprised how much old stuff i could preserve from my childhood despite moving multiple times. I have towels, thhirts, cups, even some electronics that is 30 or 40 years old and still usable.

Notice when you want something done with accountants, lawyers, doctors... you end up being served by incompetent woman. Getting a competent man usually requires you to look longer or pay more. If you can get/find one to begin with.

One day when europe, and primarily germany, frees itself from the jewmerican influence, we might get a german version of band of brothers. I would definitely want to see it.

NEVER apologize for anything to anyone. You can acknowledge a mistake or being called on something, but never apologize for past behavior. Apology means you have faulted on purpose. That is never the case, so never apologize and let the other person get a moral victory for nothing.

hugh jackman, the wolverine, married a woman 12 years older than him, in 1996 when he was 28 and she was 41. she had two stillbirths, because of her rotten eggs. and so they adopted two children. even though they divorced last year, after 27 years of marriage, this man has no offspring of his own. and was taken to the cleaners in his divorce as well. so you can be the top 1% of top 1% and still end up eating a shit sandwich.

@mutageno2 he was not unique. this has been done in european countries before, multiple times. it stimulates car sales in short term but kills them in long term. plus a lot of tax payer money is involved so it is like subsidies to car manufacturers, whom are important economic producers in europe. so at least people get some value back from it by upgrading their cars now and paying more taxes later.

correction, my feed is full of gay pages promoting faggotry. what the fuck is going on with facebook? i don't even use it.

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@Stahesh @mutageno2 even in business when you have an invoice, you can charge interest of the payment is late, but never if you get paid on time. that makes sense because that interest is a penalty for being late and breaking the contract. but hat is not how lending works.

@Stahesh @mutageno2 also, we should ban interest once someone starts paying off their debt. meaning, if you agree to take a loan of 10k with 10% interest. you expect to pay 11k, but in reality, the interest is compounding so you only keep paying off the interest and never the principal debt, like i have already said. so the agreement should be fixed. there is no reason why interest should keep on counting when you agreed on fixed terms and you abide by them.

@Stahesh @mutageno2 and THATR is the trap of the financial system. THIS is where jews get all their power from. remove it on constitutional level and they lose all their influence in no time. not only that but normal people will be able to prosper. it is better for one creditor to go bankrupt rather than prevent 1000 lenders from being able to get on their feet and produce economic value.

@Stahesh @mutageno2 all we need to do is make a constitutional debt wipe-out after 5-10 years. so if the creditor is unable to get their money back in 10 years, that is the end of it. it is wiped out from their books, as a loss, and the lender is free of it. this will force good lending practices, unburden the legal system and prevent uncontrolled lending and infinite interest payment growth. today, they get on the fact that you pay your debt but you are only paying interest, not principal.

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