i think the dislike of men for promiscuous women stems from the fact that a woman represents the egg. and so if it has been entered before, who wants that? i think it's just deeply rooted in our biology and no propaganda will ever convince a mentally healthy man that dating wores and single mothers is ok.
@VooDooMedic you should start your own podcast. You are too based for tfm.
@Stahesh yes, the lack of ease of access to legal content is one of the main arguments for piracy and has been since for ever. even now with streaming services, they are just becoming the new cable where you have to have multiple ones to get all the content instead of paying one fee for cable and getting 100 channels with all their content. it's ridiculous. i just read apple is losing over a billion a year on their streaming. netflix got into green just 2 years ago. disney, paramout...all losses
@Stahesh same. we have a tax on memory mediums like hard rives, sd cards, even CDs, because they have the potential to store copyrighted content. so i have no moral issue with piracy whatsoever. but also, my time is not free, why should i pay for something i dislike and have no way of returning it and getting my time and money back? last time i pad for content was when john wick 4 was in cinemas. i pirated it but i also purchase a ticket to support it, though i never went to see it in person.