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I'm also white supremacist, I think white race is the best. Even if Asians are supposedly beating us in IQ, which i am not buying, but that is my personal bias. Same thing applies, I'm not going to go out of my way to harm people of other races just because I think my race is better. Why would I? I'm already white, so in my view I already won. It makes no sense to tie this to some kind of need to harm people. I think the hatred of racism is purely about it usually being linked to nationalism.

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I'm a racist. But that does not mean I'll go out of my way to harm someone of another race, like everyone assumes when you say that. I just want to keep my stuff mine, and you keep your stuff yours. We can come together, exchange stories, laugh, do business, learn about each others' cultures and customs, but you just keep yours over there and i'll keep mine over here. It's as simple as that.

every degenerate in online space uses avatar with some japanese anime. that's why i cannot tolerate anyone talking about anime. it inherently implies the fact that i am most likely talking with yet another degenerate.

For me, the worst aspect of life is that even if you want to be left alone, life will find a way to fuck with you. To insert itself into your day via some unexpected call, visit, letter, email, someone crashes into your car or whatever. You just want to be on your way, be left alone, but life simply will not let you. You are forced to interact with it. I have no idea why but for some reason that's how life is. You can set up a shack on Mt. Everest, and life would find a way to bother you.

I spend most of my day trying to energize myself, to be as productive as i can be(writing code). But evenings are tough because it is impossible to chill and calming down take a lot of time. And even though eating carnivore is the best WOE, if you can get your hands on dry-aged quality steaks at fair price, I found that having starchy carbs in the evening calms the mind down like nothing else. Like with any thing in life, you win some, you lose some.

you know what, i think we're overlooking how gay asia actually is. thailand most famously. but neighbouring countries too. islamic world in general is quite gay as well. so in a way, whites are the last to fall. and i say last because even blacks are quite known to faggotry.

having your own opinion is like poking a hornets' nest. i am giving up on all the online societies, forums, chat groups and whatever else. congratulations, you have killed the internet.

@mutageno2 ps: if you read the bible, the entire identity of jews is to deceive god. always looking for ways to break god's laws. hence, why they were called stiff necked people by the original yahweh. maybe even by the olden sumerian gods, don' remember exactly right now.

@mutageno2 well ww2 happened because gemany was forced to pay reparations to jewish bankers through treaty of versailles which made germany very poor. hilter came to save the day but it took a lot of suffering for people to be ready to make the change. also, do not forget what jews did to russia(and ukraine) in the 19th and 20th century. after they destroyed it, the started to move to usa around the 20th century and .. here we are. yet jews are still welcome in russia. i just can't...

Some say the most dangerous man is someone who has nothing to lose.

I say most dangerous man is someone who knows what he wants and does not want. Such a man cannot be controlled.

Remember that time when Wonder Woman raped a guy? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

@mutageno2 "train" 😄 i got to start using this from now on. it's too good.

I am the toxic one 🤷🏻‍♂️🖕🏻

@mutageno2 either way, the history shows us that all societies knew what was up and they kicked them out. WW2 gave them a way in, a backdoor, to USA which was least affected by WW2 and was able to become the most powerful country because of that. Which suited jews perfectly, since they have been chopping at it for decades and WW2 served them entire Western World on a silver platter. Must have felt like karma after all those millennia of being kicked out from everywhere.

@mutageno2 "it was the first time a European state is known to have permanently banned their presence"

just found TWO cases where i put some money aside that i totally forgot about. lol.

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