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While it seems like I am a secular person, I am very, deeply religious.

I... like big butts. And I cannot lie.

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It wouldn't be this way if the left wasn't just a bunch of stupid degenerate faggots.

@MrpoopyButhole Looks like it's all over for us oil bros. We're done.

Anyway, I bought more.

Breaking news for the bluepilled alert 🚨 :

Turns out, if you're fit and masculine, you'll have high T, which in turn makes you less likely to be a leftist faggot. You may even take an interest in things like science and building civilization.

You knew this reply would happen. You don't talk shit about the hwite male aura without hugo boss joining the conversation.

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Niggers going into massive debt over bank fraud makes me so happy.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT 🚨: the coomer meta has shifted. Women have noticed the popularity increase in tranny gooning online, so real women are now pretending to be trannies to make money off of the faggots who normally goon to trannies, thereby taking goon bux away from the real trannies.

So we have frankenstein freaks who are pretending to be women mad at real women who are pretending to be trannies.

Reject normality. Embrace clown world.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.