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According to Shoigu, Ukraine ended up with 115 000 KIA soldiers in last two months of the Russian offensive. Maybe they count injured but out-of-service soldiers as well and they are not all KIA. Either way, it's a lot.

The only thing in nature that is fatty and sweet is mother's/breast milk. That's why we cannot control ourselves when it comes to eating sweet and fatty foods, like ice cream, cream-filled pastry, oreos and thing like that. The companies have hijacked our nature and use it to make us sick and squeeze every last penny out of us. Because we have to literally fight our own biological programming to resist these foods.

Coffee + cigar = best meditation there is.

It seems the amount of population that is destroying society from within amounts to 18%. The question could have been different but the result would be probably the same. Problem then is what amount of those 82% are actually opposing those 18% and are not just normies.

truly a modern britain summarized in a single image

yeah, i hate how bumpers are now part of the aesthetics and cost an arm and a leg to replace.

Peeing into the sink is the most masculine move a man can do. When I was young, I hated when my dad did it. Now, I get it.

- "The Jews are bad.

also TFM:
- "But not the ones in the funny hats. Those are ok."

Justicar boosted

It's look like the world have same struggles as germany did before WW2

Adolf Hitler FULL SPEECH in ENGLISH AI Reconstructed Audio "Freedom or Slavery" (No Music)

Justicar boosted

One of my biggest concerns is that one day, I might be able to sit down with some powerful and well connected politician and I'd ask him about the elites and why they do what they do in regards to open borders, climate agenda... and the answer he'd give me would make sense and it would completely shatter my entire world-view.

It is not out of thin air when even Yahweh himself called them stiff-necked people and why he had to rule them with iron fist. Of course they betrayed him after all anyway.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.