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Islam was made up in the year 610. By year 711, Muslims took over Spain and Portugal. That is in 100 years of the religion's existence. Then Muslims proceeded to take over large parts of Europe, until 1492, 781 years after, when Christian Europeans started to push them back and they succeeded by 1609, yet another 117 years. Europe, as we know it today, was therefore mostly Muslim for majority of its 'modern' era. It took 900 years to get rid of Muslims. And now Europe is opening their borders...

The modern fall of Rome can be literally observed on daily basis by simply browsing the news headlines. It won't take 300 years. Nah, the "west" hast a decade, at best.

As i have tested some linux distributions lately, i have to say that it got better over the years but overall i think linux is exactly where it was 25 years ago, when i tried mandriva or something like that. yes, it kept with the time and got better but only relatively. which means it's still as good, or as bad, as it always was.

😅 even the toughest MGTOW or ruthless mysogynist must appreciate what nature can produce. jaw-dropping beauty can still be found in this world. obviously, look, but don't touch.

Cristy Ren

posts like these on various social networks(this is 9gag) are a psyop.

Devon started talking about TWRA. Time for @Tfmonkey to hop on stream with him. Blackpill vs redpill. Jews vs mgtow. Well...not vs. It is actually the opposite. Both could learn more about the other's "field of expertise".

I do not support Zoos. Keeping animals in cages for our entertainment is wrong, even if it has educational purpose.

Devon found how the elites think and what is behind open borders and white replacement. It is in later part of the video. tl;dw version is that all they care about is the amount of consumers because that ensures wealth growth.

The world got crazy when XZ backdoor got discovered. Yet we have not seen any detective work being done to find out who did it.

a guys asks on hacker news where are some good online communities. i explained what i was posting recently in here about them being dead since all good people left due to perverts that took over. and obviously my comment got flagged, even though i have not used any kind of pejoratives or spicy language. people have no idea how strong the censorship is EVERYWHERE. the gaslighting has never been larger in our entire human history than it is today, despite being the most connected we've ever been

In vs code, CTRL+H is code replace, because why not. H makes more sense than CTRL+R, right?

I was watching some FreeBSD video yesterday and a guy talked about the history of it out nowhere I hear the sentence: "my husband's sister...". I 'd spill a drink if I had any. I turned it of and moved on. When I keep saying tech communities are degenerating, this goes way back to BSD days, 1970s, it seems.

If you open your eyes to the Jewery, after living your whole life WILLINGLY ignoring it, you will not want to open your eyes ever again. That's how bad it is.

Another great stream. I like that Devon brings up the forgotten heroes so we can remember them again.

In the past, and in some places even today, there was the council of elders. couple of people, a dozen, maybe sometimes a little bit more. no more than could fill a one room apartment. democracy worked just fine in those conditions. look at the parliaments today, where you have HUNDREDS of people and dozens of political parties. that's just incompatible with the philosophy because there are too many interests involved, too many egos, too much strategising and too little responsibility.

ok, i think i have figured out why the tech/it online communities suck so hard. beside the degeneracy. it is because the experienced gen-x and older milenials simply left. it's mostly gen-z and younger milenials, both with lack of extensive experience.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.