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i've lived my whole life in white society. looking back, whether i was in a village environment or in a large city, whites were never problematic - not a single time. whenever there was a problem, it was always a gypsy. the only problematic whites i can think of throughout the years were some mafia wannabes. especially after the fall soviet union and there was turmoil in europe. opportunists took advantage. beside that, 100% safety among whites out in the open.

There three most precious luxuries in life:
1. how shower
2. sleeping in quiet place
3. access to internet

anything else is just a bonus.

If you are into anannage/anunnaki, i think white dna is their gift to us. But if you muddy the genetic waters, we revert to out natural state.

It is 2024 and most people still believe in imaginary persona of some powerful omnipresent, but never seen, being that controls evetyhing. How can you care about society made of people like that? I am not dismissing imagination, philosophying or theorizing. But when will humans finally grow up?

Thanks to english culure of the past two decades my english vocabulary is full of pejoratives and sensationalism attached to very mundane things.

Why do americans/english people always address you by your given name like they know you? What ever happened to addressing strangers as Mister and Miss? Is any cortesy left in the english society?

My life was not a cake walk but in the end, things always work out for me. I guess that is what luck manifests as...

When i see fathers in real life, all i see is wasted potential. Family takes away all your time and energy. There is no way you can make a lot of money as a family man. Avoid women until you reach your full potential and secure yourself for life. Family then is merely a bonus or something to focud your free time on. A project, if you will.

Until the government gets out of the fsmily, there is no reason to participate in the society as a man. Live for yourself, none of us will get out of this aluve anyway.

I know exactly what house I would like to buy but the problem is that I have no patience or time for vacuuming or dusting. Can't imagine having to clean up more than one or two rooms... and that's just the interior. Buying a house is where the work begins, not ends...

Folks, what online accounting platform are you using?

Slack preferences...i doubt "marcel" is black though.

There are are always strong men in the society. Problem is that when there are too many weak men, strong men cannot do what needs to be done because the weak men wil fight the strong men. It is a society-wide white knight syndrome. Strong men could fight the weak men but government serves the weak men. Srong men could fight it, like IRA, but then what are you fighting for? Is it still your society or have you rather became stranger in your own land?

Islam was made up in the year 610. By year 711, Muslims took over Spain and Portugal. That is in 100 years of the religion's existence. Then Muslims proceeded to take over large parts of Europe, until 1492, 781 years after, when Christian Europeans started to push them back and they succeeded by 1609, yet another 117 years. Europe, as we know it today, was therefore mostly Muslim for majority of its 'modern' era. It took 900 years to get rid of Muslims. And now Europe is opening their borders...

The modern fall of Rome can be literally observed on daily basis by simply browsing the news headlines. It won't take 300 years. Nah, the "west" hast a decade, at best.

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