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i randomly clicked on this video, surprised what has been said. even jews were talked a lot about. might be worth watching

"The new American dream is renting a 2 bedroom apartment and taking care of a single mom"

- yt comment

There are no strong female characters. There's only childhood impression. Yes, even Ripley and Sarah Connor.

Russia selling Alaska for 1$ must have been the worst trade in history.

Iran will never go to war with Israel. Iran does not have a land army for such a war. They are all about rockets, drones and air defence(provided by russia).

I remember months ago Ritter said Ukraine is running on 30% of power. There is no way they will survive winter. So it makes sense to expect Ukraine will surrender before Christmas.

What would happen if I would shout "Heil Lenin" at a bunch of lefties, would their brains explode? 🤔

Turkey requesting to join BRICS, soon to ditch NATO, now Egypt telling US to fuck off and buying the Chinese 4th generation J10-C

If you are young(<30yo) or skilled(<40yo) tech guy and you take your future seriously, move to China for IT/Tech jobs. The future is in the east.

literally everything related to covid is a biological weapon, they just relabelled it as vaccination. depopulation agenda is totally a conspiracy theory.

If you are into funky/weird comedy, The Mighty Boosh is worth a watch. 3 season, 20 episodes in total.

Justicar boosted

@Justicar Islam built civilizations while you’re still struggling to construct a coherent thought. Evolution really skipped you huh?

it's weird that linkin park replaced chester with a woman. it's like "yo, ches, you were great, but.. this chick is now the shit, so ... thanks, bye bye."

And as TFM points out, nationalism is the most dangerous stance a citizen can take, that endangers globalist jews who want to control everything from top to bottom on a worldwide scale. Nationalism also allows people to organize and form a unified opposition to the foreign rulers of individual countries and nationalist will put their own well being over others'.

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I'm also white supremacist, I think white race is the best. Even if Asians are supposedly beating us in IQ, which i am not buying, but that is my personal bias. Same thing applies, I'm not going to go out of my way to harm people of other races just because I think my race is better. Why would I? I'm already white, so in my view I already won. It makes no sense to tie this to some kind of need to harm people. I think the hatred of racism is purely about it usually being linked to nationalism.

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I'm a racist. But that does not mean I'll go out of my way to harm someone of another race, like everyone assumes when you say that. I just want to keep my stuff mine, and you keep your stuff yours. We can come together, exchange stories, laugh, do business, learn about each others' cultures and customs, but you just keep yours over there and i'll keep mine over here. It's as simple as that.

every degenerate in online space uses avatar with some japanese anime. that's why i cannot tolerate anyone talking about anime. it inherently implies the fact that i am most likely talking with yet another degenerate.

For me, the worst aspect of life is that even if you want to be left alone, life will find a way to fuck with you. To insert itself into your day via some unexpected call, visit, letter, email, someone crashes into your car or whatever. You just want to be on your way, be left alone, but life simply will not let you. You are forced to interact with it. I have no idea why but for some reason that's how life is. You can set up a shack on Mt. Everest, and life would find a way to bother you.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.