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I am watching the Scott Ritter situation to unravel. The guy is quite gullible if he thinks the regime won't find something to get rid of him. He should have gotten a second passport and GTFO. His wife is from Georgia, if i am not mistaken, he has contacts in the region, I see no reason why risk it. Look at Gonzalo Lira, or even Assange.


Also voltaren is just anti imflammattory gel for external use. Like Flector epgel. Used for sprained muscle in sports and such.

You should buy powdered collagen and drink it daily.

I see a lot of programmers being unable to find work. Beside bigtech layoffs i think the market got saturated and no one is interested in hiring juniors. That means seasoned professionals will get paid more in the future due to lower competition. Learn to code but do not expect to easily find work.

Saying a "zionist jew" is the same as saying "murderous killer". It is redundant.

Russia has 150M people. 150k of that are Jews. So 1%. Given the history of Jews in Russia, I am surprised Jews have not been slaughtered there to this day and are still tolerated. My mind just cannot compute such a thing. Like, imagine a guy comes into your home, rapes all your female family members, kills all your dog, all your friends and and then just chills on the sofa, eating a burito right next to you, watching a tv. And you do nothing. You even talk to him like he's a friend.

Well, the hell week just begun. I'll bet we'll get 38C. Thankfully, it looks like it's only the week and come weekend, it will fall back under 30C and this will be the last heatwave of the summer.

also the "codes of conduct" infiltrated EVERY SINGLE community these days as well.

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it's hard to engage with tech folk (slack, discord..) when they keep addressing you as "they". the woke virus of the mind is insanely strong in tech. i blame big tech for it. there are no "safe spaces" for normal people any more.

Wow, TFM just said "holohoax" for the first time on his last show. The little guy is truly growing 💪

I'm still unsure what is worse for the world - Jews or Islam...🤔

Every year I say August is my favourite month because of great weather. Then, when 35C-38C heat wave hits, I always remember that no, it's September that is my favourite :D

Based on personal observation, not/going to the gym(or another form of intensive exercise) makes about 5kg body weight difference.

Great point by Angry Guy about Al Bundy. Al, was a winner in life but he had a loser mindset - he chose to be a loser. He could have become rich and successful in business/work whenever he wanted. But instead he chose to do the lowest job in the market and to hate what he had - a house, a dog, a car, a hot and horny wife, who was far from perfect but that's just women, two great kids, friends.. he was living the american dream. He just chose to hate everything about it.

I have not watched the video but it always infuriates me when I see titles like this. I live for WAY less than that in EUROPE, EU specifically. These people have no grasp on reality of costs anywhere.

What happened to the "A" in the "USA"? It is just "US" nowadays.

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