@Lorgar As much as it comes across as a hostage video, I think he's sincere when he says streaming has been bad for him. It puts you in touch with a certain kind of person whose idea of entertainment is egging you on to say and do more and more fucked up things.

I've been thinking lately that TFM might be worse off for streaming. He seems to dislike it. He seems to dislike his audience. How many times has he raged at a donation? I miss the 20 minute video days.


@Mongoliaboo His business gets DIRECTLY fucked by the Cathedral. His life’s expenses increase like mad while he is unable to profit from it.

China and Russia outsmart and slowly strangle the West, the feminists, and the degeneracy but have no interest whatsoever in helping the West population. They do not benefit us in any way.

The West is slowly going to sink into a swamp of shit and you will be trapped in it if you cannot escape.

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