@LysanderMooner @Kang_Kong3 @PNS Well, to be fair, if he killed her, he'd be going to prison. Would fear of legal repercussions quantify "weakness"? 🤔
I get that he had every right to end her life, because she ended his son's life. Unfortunately, our legal system just isn't set up in a way that would let you off the hook. Take Gary Plauché, for instance; he still had to answer for what he did, because things aren't set up where attorneys say "He killed the guy who raped his son!" and the court goes "Oh, okay," and that's it. Granted, all he had to do was community service, which isn't as bad as imprisonment.
In fact, speaking of our legal system, I think our legal system has become more corrupted; because the killer was a black woman, if he killed her, he'd not only be tried for it, but his life would be ruined forever.....all while a nationwide BLM shit-fest gets triggered, too.