I know most people here recognize this for the show that it is, but man.

Imagine if this wasn't a fucking corporate media shitshow circus designed to constrain the topics discussed.

Imagine if they were forced to answer, under oath, questions outside the overton window.

Imagine if perjury was prosecuted.

Imagine if the courts weren't completely corrupt.

Imagine if people understood natural law.

Imagine if people rejected the Government's monopoly on violence.

Imagine if people had brains.

@eriner natural law: might is right

But neither have the capacity to answer well

@LysanderMooner That's a very Nietzschesq take coming from Spooner enjoyer. 🤔

Edit: I misread this as "might makes right", but it was written as "might is right".


@eriner I took it from Ragnar Redbeard and Spooner was the ideal but Ragnar is the truth as much as I love the utility of classically liberal legal abstractions and theory

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