
Did trump seal his fate as the next assassinated president by picking JD?

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@LysanderMooner Scott Ritter has been simping for JD because he was a marine

@Indignation gross..
Im convinced it was an intentional miss by mossad to elevate trump as a martyr in preparation for the draft..
"I took a bullet for this great nation and now we must call on our tremendous American youth to sacrifice for the security of our nation and our greatest ally..."

@Indignation jd saber rattles with iran which makes ritter simping insane

@LysanderMooner Look they gonna steal the election because they can. They did it the last election, so why not this one too?

Trump loves to bitch about Mexicans, yet how many Mexicans came during his term? It will take trillions of dollars and Nazi Germany to take half of the illegal Mexicans that came during Trump and Biden’s reign.

Trump says he is a Christian, yet if you show him a bible and a talmud he will spit on the bible and kiss the talmud.
The man is friend with Jeffrey Epstein

@Indignation @LysanderMooner Dude everything Is fake and gay Donald Trump have choose by the Jews to be next president to SEND the Right to die For Israel and Ukraine

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