@TURBORETARD9000 Condoms should have never been invented.
@SuperSnekFriend Beautiful. 🥲
@Hoss @TURBORETARD9000 @Mommy @Saber which fediverse user has a tumblr dot com account
@HWABAG Never!
@Mommy @TURBORETARD9000 Condoms are just too obvious to not have been invented. I think I’ve heard they go back to at least Roman times, but per Wikipedia they’re well documented as an anti-disease (syphilis) measure as of the 15th Century, and birth control starting in the next century.
It’s perhaps correct in that prior to that birth control was considered to be the duty of women, I remember there’s a plant used as an abortifacient in Roman times that today we can’t match from the remaining descriptions to an existing plant.
@TURBORETARD9000 @Mommy I won’t necessarily disagree, but I’ll note modern … more like public health than medicine, but there’s an input like that, tells us older couples have high rates of Downs Syndrome babies. Per Wikipedia 3% by the time a mother is 45.
See Christian political examples in the last children of Sarah Palin (and perhaps more than anything else her refusal to abort that baby enraged the Left), and, hmmm, can’t remember now the other one.
So a general argument could be made for couples who have “enough” children to start using something that doesn’t screw with minds as we suspect (or know?) for birth control pills. Which prompted me to wonder if women who’ve implemented the above strategy with the pill are more likely to then divorce their husbands….
A hell of a lot of moving parts in all this, from individuals to societies. Might also add history belongs to those who show up, thus the issues with populations that are (way) below replacement rate in part due to birth control. At best as far as we can project, the subsets in them that still have children will take over sooner or later if they avoid getting conquered.
But there’s going to be a lot of pain getting to that point, including old age pensions and medicine being funded by steadily fewer people. And see the PRC after Deng’s one child policy which is collapsing now in part due to this, with a “4-2-1” extreme of grandparents, parents and one child.
@TURBORETARD9000 @Mommy It would take quite an intervention for women to have no unfertilized eggs by the time they’re 35. Like, you’d have to induce menopause ten to twenty years early?? Kill the eggs in some targeted way???
Wikipedia credibly says some types of chemotherapy can do the former (or I assume both, and also obviously radiotherapy), as well as surgical removal of both ovaries. None of these violent things should be done unless really needed.
@TURBORETARD9000 @Mommy Whatever your intent, you’re mooting interesting ideas.
So, yeah, the biologist/policy wonk in me is responding seriously.
@TURBORETARD9000 @Mommy You’re much better off with real pharmaceuticals, even if plant derived, because dosing is very iffy with the raw stuff.
There is no other way