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My name is John Goldstein. I have been sent here as an agent of Jewish subversion to collect information on internet hate, racism, antisemitism and extremism and to help subvert white nationalist movements.

You guys have to understand that I'm a gay man and a gay poster as such that gives me the gay edge. That gives me superior posting skills over you. Because I'm a gay man and a gay poster.


My name is John Goldstein and I have an announcement to make. After careful consideration now is the time to come out of the closet and announce that I am gay man. It has taken alot of time and courage but I need to announce this. I am indeed a homosexual and I would appreciate if I can have your support in this transition of my life.

Thank you,
John Goldstein.

My name is John Goldstein. I have been sent here as an agent of Jewish subversion to collect information on internet hate, racism, antisemitism and extremism and to help subvert white nationalist movements.

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.