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I swear if kikes are the ones responsible for pushing the west to take muslim refugees they are the dumbest globalist hand rubbing faggots in the world.

If the west is conquered by muslims, what do you think happens next, Israel?

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>On April 23, 2024, Army General Sergei Shoigu, the Russian Minister of Defense announced that Russian forces deployed in Ukraine will be equipped with more advanced air defense missile systems, including the S-500, S-400, S-300V4, Buk-M3, and Tor-M2U. The decision underscores Russia's intent to enhance the protection of its troops against the increasing aerial threats encountered on the battlefield in Ukraine.

>General Shoigu emphasized that the strategic enhancement of air defense capabilities is crucial for safeguarding vital military and strategic installations. This includes command and control systems and the strategic nuclear forces, ensuring that Russia's critical defense infrastructure is well-protected.
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The death of the boomers is going to be one of the biggest economic hits Africa and India have seen in decades.
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(another angle)

Currently, numerous agencies, including the Coast Guard and fire department have just declared a mass casualty incident as they are responding to the Key Bridge located in Baltimore, Maryland. After a large container ship struck the Key Bridge, causing it to collapse completely, there are reports of multiple cars and people may be in the water following the collapse all still missing at this point. Reports indicate significant damage, with half of the bridge submerged in the water. This situation is still developing

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>Haven't done leg day in one week
>Proceeds with doing squats
Im going to walk like a cripple from tomorrow aren't i
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