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Link to study: @Tfmonkey always wondered why attractive women at my school did well. Now we know.

I can’t post screenshots. So in the meantime just wanted to say I’m seeing more libertarian minded men & women advocating to repeal the 19th on twitter. Shit hilarious but I guess little by little people are coming around to the idea. Baby steps. @Tfmonkey here’s a link to the twitter post if you’re interested in looking at the comments. Almost all in agreement LOL.

Am I the only one that can’t seem to upload any images?

@Tfmonkey the only legitimate criticism she has of rollo is that he does have a bit of an ego. For example unlike TFM he’s very concerned with people giving him credit. But once again the whole disagreement in the argument comes from values/ self-interest. But it’s as per usual coated as her side being morally superior to the rest cause muh equality is a universal value. Duh.

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@Tfmonkey i hate the fact that everything in the culture war is about debates. Like no one can actually do their own research & have a conversation. It’s all just bs posturing the loudest cunt that appeals to normies feelings is the “correct” view. No matter what happens for western societies future hard times are really needed for a lot of people & they really need to actually face the consequences of egalitarian ideals/utopia.

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@Tfmonkey holy shit I listened to the first 5 minutes and it’s just ramblings of endless ad hominem. The comments are all positive so like damn people actually find this entertaining. Just another women wanting to have it both ways. But hey she’s quirky y’all totally not like the other girls as she desperately reminds you with every snarky remark.

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