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So apparently Steven crowder was being emotionally abusive. He does come of as a dick in this recording. But what really surprised me was apparently he was the one that filed for divorce. Idk why he felt the need to lie about that, assuming this is coming from a trustworthy source. But I also heard the person that wrote this article was a massive leftist. Right now not sure who to believe so all we can do if wait for the facts.

Both sides just use shaming tactics to manipulate young men for their own agendas. Fuck the conservatives and the liberals. Fuck all these cunts. If you’re a guy learn to think for yourself and not fall for these manipulation tactics.

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Lol I love how everything is Men’s fault. Porn is men’s fault. Women’s hypergamy is men’s fault. If men do get their shit together and become successful then they’re taking opportunities away from women. Lol there’s literally no winning. It’s always your fault. Sign I want these people off my planet.

Let this be a reminder that when you rebuild. NEVER give women rights.

@Tfmonkey tradcuck Steven crowder is getting divorced. So much for marrying a virgin. He ofc like a good tradcuck blames himself entirely. Doesn’t matter how much of a good Christian you are as long as the option for divorce exists women will use it.

All great men throughout history were major misogynists. This is not a coincidence.

What would we do without women’s constant consumption? The economy would be in ruins! Women and the cucks that enable them.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.