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@Tfmonkey the original creator of fallout has a youtube channel where he talk about fallout and his experiences in the games industry. check it out if you're interested.

Lol look how triggered he gets with someone even dare insinuate men and women aren’t equal. This is normally someone that would regularly see through feminist nonsense. But I found it hilarious how angry he got at when someone dared hint at reality.

it wont be directly the government. it will be through the corporations. classic fascism.

Lol not so nice when the shoe is on the other foot now is it?

Here we see an npc in the wild checking in with their tribe to confirm they got the appropriate firmware downloaded.

Lol people are saying how lucky her son is to have her as a mother. What’re they smoking? Having Lauren as a mother is one of the worst things that can happen to a kid in this senario. The way normies can turn every fuckup a women does to the benefit of the child never ceases to amaze me.

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So Lauren southern married a fed and this dude left her and her kid for the state. LOL you can’t make this shit up. This is why we didn’t used to let women decide who they’re going to marry.

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