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I wish more men would simply realise women aren’t people.

Belle Delphine is selling a sex doll version of herself. I’m surprised it took so long.

It’s getting bad out there for them. It’s this worth over simply lowering your standards?

Lol maybe the first women to expect a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum.

The right is bending over backwards to keep their women from voting Democrat. Truly the most pathetic group of people on the planet.

This is the results all that tax money to fund women owned businesses.

Either way this broads entire point is moot. Doesn’t matter if men were the giga simps they demanded them to be or the ultimate misogynist. We all know women will NEVER willingly go back into the kitchen and I get it, who can blame them. No rational human being would. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us, the men are 3 times bigger and stronger. We all know what has to come next.

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Doesn’t matter how much freedom and privileges you give women. It’s all a giant waste of time.

We will worship pussy till our extinction. If that is the case then so be it! @Tfmonkey

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