Are women and men both hypergamous and this instinct only shifts when the economics of the dating market change? like after a major war where many men have died....Im sure several men got to "date up" under these conditions. I think these fluctuations do contribute to the overall system but I also see many pieces of evidence for male disposability in nature. Or at least that in every dimorphic, sexually reproducing species, there is a division of labor, and of value, with one sex being


more expendable simply due to mechanics. I like the thought experiment :If you have two tribes of 50 men and 50 women, and the men of each tribe go to war there are still 50 women and the remaining men can commit to multiple wives. The tribe can still grow by at least 50, not accounting for twins and miscarriage. However, if the women went to fight the battle and only half of the women returned, each tribe could only grow by 25 persons (also possible that the remaining 50 men

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