
@inertia @Morghur It's ~$1000 total. Fluctuates depending on how much I drive, but I only average ~10k miles a year. I like it, but not being able to put down roots and become part of the local community is rough. I do get to meet loads of cool people though. As negative as I am here, there's a lot of awesome people in the world; you just gotta talk to them. Hopefully will have saved enough to buy some land soon.

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I've also thought about buying a camper van or a caravan so i can fuck off around. Working at a hotel helped me meet really nice and interesting people, so i thought being a nomad could be interesting.

But i don't know if it would be wise in my situation tbh.

@Morghur @inertia It's not for everyone. Social media glosses over a lot of the shitty aspects: cops hassle you way more often, breakdowns happen, almost impossible to maintain a long term relationship(there are chicks really into the van vibe, though) I got used to austere living back in the Service, so the transition was easy.

I'm already used to live with little, specially when i worked in Germany and i had a minimalist bedroom. Plus, driving around in the truck i had to sleep on the cabin and the truck bed is not that uncomfortable if you know the tricks. I think i could adapt.

But it's also good to know a lot of the negative aspects. After all, if someone wanted to get into truck driving or bus driving i would also give him warnings and cautionary tales. Plus, my gf period is long behind me and i doubt any woman would give me a second look
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