
@inertia @Morghur I love being able to change scenery on a whim. Even after I get some land, I'm not getting rid of my van. Just going to make an awning, add some more solar, drill a well, and grow as much of my own food as I can.

1000 is food, gas and everything. Van will be paid off soon and that'll knock off another 200. I could drive dirty and take off another 200, but I get bothered by police way to much for that to be worth it.

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It's also one of the things i loved about driving a truck. I leave the region i live and i go across the great plains of Castille across the inmense steppes or when i got close to Barcelona and i have to go through the Monegros Desert. It was one of the best aspects of truck driving along with knowing where to eat great food.
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