I've spent years on the outside looking in at the world of #Linux and always felt, in no small part thanks to the elitism of the average Linux user, that I'd never understand it, I was too encultured in the Windows user experience so I couldn't learn it, that or accessibility would seriously hold me back from really getting anything out of it, even as so many of my friends started taking to it.

Now, I'm sitting here, bouncing between Mint in a VM and Windows, teaching myself all the basics, configuring things to my comfort, and like...It's just a really rad experience.

Intimidation is a bitch, especially when you have people telling you that you "shouldn't" do things a certain way because that's their preference, and really, only their preference should be everyone's experience.

I hope to remember this feeling, so that when I'm a much better user and a vet of Linux systems, I'm never one of the reasons why it takes someone years to overcome their trepidation.

May this be my oath to never be *that* asshole. lol


@LavenderPawprints I wish is was as easy to dual-boot as it used to be. Keeping Windows happy with TPM and secureboot is such a pain I just have 2 physical machines now. Maybe I have trouble because I'm a dog and don't have thumbs, though.

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