FTR I think we have enough data now to properly define the classic innerwebs epithet, "BOOMER".

1) "Baby Boomer" age group (born late 40s-early 50s)
2) Still believes WWI and WWII were justified wars
3) Still believes Israel is our greatest ally
4) Still believes jews are some oppressed class
5) Still believes we are all equal
6) Still believes love is love
7) Still believes we can voat our way out
8) Still wants to sing kumbaya and hug it out.
9) Still believes America is a viable country.
10) Still thinks singing Lee Greenwood songs will heal us.
11) Blindly follows the law, because reasons.
12) Acts appalled that criminals and politicians do not obey the law.

Did I miss anything?

Point is, "Boomer" isn't just somebody in the age bracket. They have to meet certain requirements.

@BattleDwarfGimli They also think the US military can fight China, Russia, and Iran all at the same time and not get its shit pushed in. They think nothing has changed geopolitically since the Berlin wall fell 1989.

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