The Houthis take responsibility for two sunken US ships. Any news in that regard ?

@Wopu Hit or sunk? They got a plucky hit on a carrier a while back, but if they actually sunk a US warship, that means RU's letting them use their new toys and it's on like Donkey Kong.

@RegalBeagle I wish you good fucking luck figuring it out but at least here's the video statement:

Title translated by DeepL:

Yemeni Armed Forces statement by Brig. Gen. Yahya Sareeh | Latest Yemen News The sinking of the aircraft carrier Eisenhower 2024


@Wopu I'm not seeing anyone talk about it in my usual spheres. Houthis have been including video footage of most of their declared attacks now after media tried to lie and say they didn't sink that bulk carrier a few months back, so it's suspicious they wouldn't do that this time.

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