>NEW: Russian milbloggers claimed that Ukrainian forces continue to advance in Kursk Oblast amid Russian attempts to stabilize the frontline in the area.

How long can they keep this up for? This is wild.

@Bad_Banner I suspect they can't and this report is as fake and gay as everything else the UA releases.

@Bad_Banner I honestly didn't read it. The current state of UA is so attrited, that they've even lasted a week is impressive. They have no mobile AA systems, so RU is demolishing them from above. This last gasp push will do nothing to advance Ukraine's goals other than the PR of having something trending on twitter for a few days.

@RegalBeagle @Bad_Banner ISW has been publishing maps for 3 years now. since the siege of azovstal they have been inaccurate and biased to nato.

they are suing OSINT for the publishing of these maps. OSINT is full of disinfomation. what passes for osint is a uke standing in front of a fake road sign; "omg geolocated ukes took stalingrad"
@TrevorGoodchild @Bad_Banner @RegalBeagle one year of losses, hunting conscipts, record levels of drug consumption, unpresidented levels of corruption and 🔥 night club sessions.

Suddenly 10k mercs invade kursk (THEY ARE GONNA WIN)

i dont think ukraine is in a war at all.
@IAMAL_PHARIUS @Bad_Banner @RegalBeagle They're in a PR war to keep sweet Western gibs flowing so a jew comedian's cocaine stash is replenished and sodomite chickenhawk Lindsey Graham gets to slobber on camera about dead Russians. In the meantime slave conscripts get welded into tanks or blown apart by FABs.
@TrevorGoodchild @IAMAL_PHARIUS @Bad_Banner @RegalBeagle Its on the ukies, particularly those sporting certain symbols, to live up to them , to stand up from the mud and free their people turning their change-bringing instruments in the proper direction.

The russians would've been content with "stop fucking shelling my people already!", if that wasn't an impossible request for jews & the GAE.

@InvictusManeo @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @TrevorGoodchild The US wanted to ensure EU and RF never normalize relations to preserve US hegemony. Due to sheer fucking hubris, they instead made RF and China buddies, drove OPEC into BRICS+, de-industrialized the EU, de-militarized NATO, and now have to also deal with a jewish doomsday cult that controls nuclear weapons. I don't think GAE could have fucked it harder if they tried.

@RegalBeagle @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @TrevorGoodchild Correct on all counts, I'm still conflicted whether it was normal incompetence or outright self sabotage by what we both recognize as the doomsday death cult.

The EU de-industrialization was an old kikes plan after ww2, but being Americans not so insane back then, they denied that and set up the Marshall plan, then caught the dividends (both economically and politically) from it.
Now the US is killing EU arms industry, wrote a bit on this subject already, the US companies want to absorb the european sector and then, probably, have everyone depending on american output and licenses (poland got Patriots and Abrahms, to say) for weapons, weapons softwares and core strategic components.
Now, the thing is... this is not the 60's anymore, and the qualified personnel to work on certain fields is extremely limited.
So are the factories, even more so, particularly in Europe, a yearly output for Leopard or Challengers is considerably lower than most would imagine it to be (hardly, very, into the two digits...).
Back on the personnel, americans pay better, there's no doubt in that, the quiet absorbption however gets complicated, EU companies cannot work on american projects if they don't have american approved personnel, and if they take those figures into american companies or factories, EU-side production grinds completely to an halt.
I recently had a convo with an american colleague on this, and he stated that in America the qualified personnel is either retiring or lacking, so instead of forming young americans into the sector, they take established and experienced figures from wherever they can find them.
Preferably Europe, otherwise is India or Turkey, most of former USmil veterans could be filling these spots for the american industry if they weren't politically vetted out of it, I mean, the pay is real good even at its entry level, but they don't want White guys to have those jobs.
However the entire sector is stretched thin, multiple orders get scrapped, some are subcommissioned to smaller companies, others are left to hang, the priority is NOT business driven besides pretending it is, is purely political, and everyone can easily guess who's on top of it.
Not even America has the required industrial output for what they intend to do, isn't even hubris at this point, not anymore, as said, this isn't the 60's any longer, but once the EU industry is gone the situation will worsen considerably, EU orders will clog the American machine even further, they'll remain unsolved or otherwise, by charging an exaggerated overpricing for it, and most of Europe will be largely disarmed by a certain, well detailed timing.
I haven't even tackled the materials supply chain (most of it is definitely out of GAE's reach which increase the raw price overall, putting smaller national companies out of business for large, national related orders) or the screening, most of USmil veterans could be filling these spots for american industry if they weren't politically vetted out of it.
Subcompanies and suppliers are twisting in agony because "you'll get paid when I'll get paid", but ad infinitum.
Many are rolling over and falling out of business right now, in these days, and I repeat, this is crazy because the sector could be structurally considerably healthier.

sorry for this big autistic effortpoast.

@nugger @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @InvictusManeo @TrevorGoodchild Interesting theory. "Teaching is the greatest act of optimism" -some dead guy, probably.

I volunteer with my local community and teach computer skills, but as years go on, there's less and less people wanting to learn. It's not worth your time trying to teach those that don't want to learn.

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