@Bad_Banner They're commonly used as thin clients; a computer with just enough specs to have a small OS that can be used to remote desktop or SSH to other networked computers. Those ones look pretty fancy and are geared towards being bolted to the wall and running a TV display in a waiting room or something.

@RegalBeagle I think I'll grab one, put linux on it, and use it for surfing and watching videos; doesn't need to be too crazy.

@Bad_Banner A PC on a chip may be right up your alley. The cheapest Raspberry Pi is not even a Jackson and has the specs to do just that.


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@RegalBeagle @Bad_Banner Lot of the value in mini-pc's is that they're easy and you can dump any OS you want in there, even windows for normies.
You can go expensive if you want to game on a 10cm cube (for some reason?) but you can also get a 'good enough' USFF size pc secondhand from bankrupt businesses for same or less than a raspberry pi.
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