new PC build has either a bad PSU or bad motherboard

@Humpleupagus when I plugged it in I had motherboard lights, but the first power button press those lights went away and now it's completely dead

I didn't make any mistakes in assembly and I don't smell anything so without more testing my best guess is the PSU has an internal fault
@Humpleupagus and I mean the *instant* I pressed the button everything went away. internal short, maybe

@deprecated_ii @Humpleupagus If it's an EVGA PSU, they've been fucking with the cable design and you can end up sending 12v to 3.3v devices, frying them instantly. May need to take a multimeter to it.

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I'd carefully inspect and even replace the cables. I haven't had psu issues, but in my studio, 99% of the time, a perfectly good looking cable is the issue.

When tracing a signal, and unless the chain allows otherwise, I always assume the hardware is fine, and the issue is a cable, and swap those out first.
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